Is Mary Kay for You?
They say if you love what you do, it won’t even feel like work. But what if you could love your work and enjoy doing the things you love in life – like spending time with family, traveling, shopping or following your artistic passions? Mary Kay gives you the chance to do that and more as a small business owner while you support your family and your own dreams.

The Opportunity of a Lifetime.
The quick videos below share all the facts. Take a look at the short bios above each one and find those that you relate to most. Please watch each video one at a time. You can stop or pause them as you like. If you click play on multiple - they all play and can make you crazy :)
Are you...
A College Graduate
Married without Kids
Skeptical about the Mary Kay Opportunity
NSD Roya Mattis
Are You...
A Working Mom
A Teacher at Heart or Professionally
Someone Who Wants More out of Life!!
SSD Amy Kemp
Are you...
In College
In High School
Do you...
Work for Corporate America
Love to hear stories of Women
who overcame adversity
EENSDE Gloria Mayfield Banks
Do You....
Have Young Children
Need Details Broken Down
NSD Leah Lauchlan
Do You...
Need Information for your Husband